此功能推出以后, 熟悉HTML的卖家可以通过在商品描述中使用特别的HTML标签<div>和<span>定制在手机端实际显示给卖家的商品描述内容, .
<div vocab="http://schema.org/" typeof="Product">
<span property="description">
This paragraph contains almost 800 characters of text to be displayed in the mobile item description.
And the text in this paragraph through this sentence contains 250 characters, which is the amount we
will display without any actions on your part. When you tag a paragraph with these HTML breaks, the
content will be displayed to shoppers looking at your item. This will allow the shopper to see the
key information you want to display, without them having to click through to the complete description.
If your complete description is 800 characters or less and uses basic HTML we will display the entire
description without any action on your behalf – so the best practice is to keep it within 800 characters.
If you have a long description, make it easy for your buyers by using this option.
如上例所示, <div>必须有vocab 和 typeof 属性, 而且这两个属性必须给值"Http://schema.org"和"Product". 相应的, <span>标签必须有property 属性,而且必须给值“description"
eBay 抽取<span>之间的前800个字符(包括文字和所支持的HTML标签)为移动设备端的商品描述,而忽略800字符以外的文学信息, 所以保持在800字符以内是非常重要的。
请注意所有在<span>标签之间的信息都会成为显示在手机设备上的商品描述。这些tags之间的信息不能超过800个字符。基本HTML标签也能在span 之间使用,但是有些会被计入800字符限制之内。下面提到的标签都可以在<span>中使用
l <li>可以使用,但是会被计为三个字符。 <ol></ol><ul></ul></li>不会被计数。
l 每一个 会被计为一个字符
l 每一个 <br>或<br/>会被计50个字符
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